Megabus offers West Coast bus service for budget minded travelers between major California and Nevada cities to Mexico via Tijiuana and San Ysidro for as little as one dollar ($1) each way!
Travel from San Francisco or San Jose in Northern California to San Ysidro at the Mexican Border for as little as $3! Using the internet to book tickets with Megabus you can get tickets between major west coast cities for as little as one dollar each way and two dollars round trip.
For more information, list of routes, maps and more, see "Megabus Low Cost West Coast Bus Service for California, Nevada & Mexico."

Travel from San Francisco, Milbrae, Oakland and San Jose to Mexico via San Ysidro requires two tickets with the stop at the hub in Los Angeles, California. The San Ysidro station (San Ysidro MTS & Bus Transit Center) is a short walk from the Mexican Border for easy access to Tijuana Mexico, a city "busrting wtih Mexican and International culbure."
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